Tag Archives: unknown soldier battlestar

This has all happend before, and it will all happen again

I have to admit, when I was a kid I was probably the biggest sci-fi geek around. I grew up in the late 1970s with Battlestar Galactica on the rabbit-earred TV in my room and was better for it. Heck I only watched the A-Team later so I could see the opening credits where a cylon walks past Dirk Benedict (and because I thought stainless Ruger Mini-14s were the shit).

I dug BSG so much as a kid that when they re-imaged the show a few years ago and made both Starbuck and Boomer chicks I just threw my hands up in the air and walked away. Of course, I did later grow to like the new BSG 2.0 (Trica Helfer helped) and watched every episode.

However, we can all hang our heads in a moment senton of sorrow as it seems that Glen Larson, the creative influence behind the show, has gone to that great Colonial Battlestar in the sky. He also worked on Magnum P.I., The Six Million Dollar Man, Quincy, M.E., Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, and Knight Rider.

He was 77

Frak em all.
