Be On The Lookout (BOLO) for Skinjobs tomorrow #zombies

Well, its Easter, and today, with everyone repeating “He is risen” It will be interesting to see what kind of reanimation of the formerly human vessel we are all use to we could see tomorrow.

I think tomorrow could be a very interesting day indeed. Beware of shamblers, the walking dead the undead, the living dead, the dead, the mobile deceased, shambling skinbags, stumblers, rotters,  ghouls, risers, slackjaws, deadheads, the hungry horrors, RHCs (reanimated human cadavers) and….did I miss anything.

Oh yeah, zombies….

Zombie challenge

(If you see any tomorrow, be sure to let CNN know, and be sure to tweet #zombies if you come across any!)

Sleep well and be sure to have your SHTF plan rushed to completion before TEOTWAWKI. Zoe the Zed doesn’t care that you just need two more weeks to get ready…

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