Man Charged For Finding Lost Troopers Gun

In Michigan, a state trooper accidentally left his service weapon behind in the bathroom while going ‘code brown’. Now the citizen who found it is looking at ten years in the state pen.

The small northern Michigan village of Kalkaska, pop 2000-ish, who Ernest Hemingway immortalized in his short story, ‘the Battler’, is the setting for our tale. Quiet Kalkaska you see has a supermarket, and one day a local MSP Trooper came wheeling through with an urgent need to use the facility. Well, being the fine upstanding people that Kalkaska is known for, they allowed the boys in blue free reign of the water closet.

The thing is, the unnamed trooper in distress accidentally left his duty pistol atop the TP dispenser in the bathroom on his way out. When he returned after realizing his mistake, said abandoned gun was neither in the stall, nor in the market’s ‘lost and found box’. It had vanished.
Read the rest at my column in Firearms Talk
TP gun

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