Tag Archives: Zombies?! Zombies!!: An Anthology

Two New Zombie Books Out ! Just in time for Halloween

Ok LSOZI fans, those of you that follow the blog for odd survivalism/zombie apocalypse type stuff will be pleased  to know that there are a couple of new books out there this week that *coincidentally* we have a part in!

The first is an anthology of short stories “Zombies?! Zombies!!: An Anthology” edited by Lowell R Torres and published by iUniverse. Inside we have two short stories, “Hokahey” and “The 20th Round“. (link here! )


The second is a collection of excerpts from previously published works by numerous popular authors who share their own visions of how the zombie apocalypse will unfold. It’s an appetizing sampler platter and introduction to the horrific worlds described in their books. Their combined visions offer a compelling, fast paced, ride through apocalyptic possibilities. All profits go to the highly respected medical charity Direct Relief International (www.directrelief.org).

Entitled “Outbreak: Visions of the Apocalypse“, it has a chapter pulled from the second Last Stand on Zombie Island novel. We are thrilled to be mixed in with the likes of Shawn Chesser and David Forsyth in this book from Permuted Press.


Its available in kindle and paperback at this link for as little as $2  and remember, its for charity guys.