Zombie hoard expected for latest EMA training event

“For a second time in three years, the EMA is asking for people dressed as zombies to be part of a disaster training exercise from 8 a.m. to noon on Saturday, Oct. 12, at Zoombezi Bay water park.

The training that the EMA is calling the “Zombie-zy Bay Exercise” will teach local first responders and Columbus Zoo and Aquarium staff how to deal with the repercussions of a tornado. During the exercise, zombie participants will play storm victims and rescuers will focus on the three T’s of disaster response: triage, treatment and transport.

When participants arrive at the park, they’ll receive a card that explains the extent of their injuries. Some won’t survive the tornado because they won’t heed the zoo’s safety warnings, some will leave unscathed and others will need medical assistance for varying degrees of injury……”

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