Tag Archives: zombies

Zombie hoard expected for latest EMA training event

“For a second time in three years, the EMA is asking for people dressed as zombies to be part of a disaster training exercise from 8 a.m. to noon on Saturday, Oct. 12, at Zoombezi Bay water park.

The training that the EMA is calling the “Zombie-zy Bay Exercise” will teach local first responders and Columbus Zoo and Aquarium staff how to deal with the repercussions of a tornado. During the exercise, zombie participants will play storm victims and rescuers will focus on the three T’s of disaster response: triage, treatment and transport.

When participants arrive at the park, they’ll receive a card that explains the extent of their injuries. Some won’t survive the tornado because they won’t heed the zoo’s safety warnings, some will leave unscathed and others will need medical assistance for varying degrees of injury……”

Read more here l

CDC zombie

Be On The Lookout (BOLO) for Skinjobs tomorrow #zombies

Well, its Easter, and today, with everyone repeating “He is risen” It will be interesting to see what kind of reanimation of the formerly human vessel we are all use to we could see tomorrow.

I think tomorrow could be a very interesting day indeed. Beware of shamblers, the walking dead the undead, the living dead, the dead, the mobile deceased, shambling skinbags, stumblers, rotters,  ghouls, risers, slackjaws, deadheads, the hungry horrors, RHCs (reanimated human cadavers) and….did I miss anything.

Oh yeah, zombies….

Zombie challenge

(If you see any tomorrow, be sure to let CNN know, and be sure to tweet #zombies if you come across any!)

Sleep well and be sure to have your SHTF plan rushed to completion before TEOTWAWKI. Zoe the Zed doesn’t care that you just need two more weeks to get ready…

Zombie Ben Franklin Mystery

Austin is a pretty cool place. Back when I worked as a tech trainer for a large telecom company I did training there a few times and just really loved it. 6th Street during SXSW is an experience.

So it doesn’t surprise me that someone found, the day after Ben Franklin’s birthday, a cake decorated with a Zombie Ben left on their porch.

In Austin they sell shirts that say, “Keep Austin weird” and they mean it.

Zombie Ben Franklin Cake

More Real Life Zombies

The Face-eaters are back , this time in China.

” A shovel-wielding shirtless man in Foshan City, according to the Shanghai Daily, attacked a woman in early October. Even though she yelled at him, he continued his assault, biting her on the face. When authorities arrived, the 40-year-old man promptly bit a policeman on the arm. He attempted to get away by jumping on a passing truck, but the police were able to stop him after he beat one with the shovel he was carrying. ”

And people ask why I carry a concealed weapon or two….Just saying…

Free Zombie Fiction !

Tales of the Zombie War has just published RICK, THE OTHER WHITE MEAT By yours truly on their website.

“The hunter sat with his back against the thick loblolly pine and felt his shoulders dig into the wet bark. The gnat hat, a screen of camouflage mesh, covered his face and neck, but still the little bastards made their way in and attacked his sweaty skin. As they took their blood meal, his only reaction was to blink and will them to hurry it up. He absolutely refused to move. Movement gave you away.

Through the brush behind, he heard the snap of a twig. He remained silent and still, controlling his blinking and the surge of adrenaline that he felt. The rustling in the brush told him that it was the game he was looking for. Time to call it in.

On the top of his left thigh, just above his knee he had sewn one side of a velcro patch. The other side of the patch was glued to the back of his phone and held it in place.  His left hand barely extended its index finger and touched the ’send’button.

Taped to a tree about 40 feet in front of the hunter, a cell phone lit up and started playing the Benny Hill chase music on max volume. After about twenty seconds, the hunter pressed the ‘end’ button on the cell phone on his thigh and the ring tone stopped. The strains of Benny Hill ceased and the cell phone went quiet and dark against the tree.

He craned his ear for any sound that would confirm his call was heard. The sound of an animal crashing through the brush towards the tree came to him. As it grew closer, he could hear the grunts and pants of the charging beast. Just feet away from the tree that held the decoy phone, the zombie stopped dead in its tracks….”

Check out the rest (for free) at the link

And don’t forget about our other Free Zombie Fiction Here….and (almost free) Zombie Fiction Here

Blood Sweat and Books Review of LSOZI

The gang over at Blood Sweat and Books gave us a four-star review on Last Stand on Zombie Island(Book link here!)

From the review:

The Characters- While the roles of the islanders broke down into what I would call stereotypical pattern the characters themselves were written well and engaging. My favorite character was Spud. While I didn’t necessarily like him I respected the initiative he took after the initial outbreak happened. The rest of the island was quick to dismiss him as being nothing but a young punk but had they taken a moment they would of found a very resourceful individual amongst them.

World Building- I felt the Author did a great job building up the days before the outbreak without bogging down the book with endless chapters chronicling it. I also was satisfied with the overall world building it was easy to picture an Island vs. large city catastrophe. Yes devastation is still bad but you have more choices for Survival since you can isolate the town easier.”

Good stuff the rest of the review here:

How I didnt Survive the Walking Dead

I died too quickly in the zombie apocalypse. It was the last, fatal bite I remember most clearly: I had just zigzagged to safety through a grove of lurching undead. As I slowed to bask in my success, I felt the gruesome rip of Velcro at my hip — and it was over.

Read more: http://thephoenix.com/boston/life/138378-zombies-ripped-my-flesh/#ixzz1ufu3fnjN

Zombie Training Run Down

Zombies are a metaphor of course. We are all afraid of something human, we just don’t want to admit it. If you know humans you know they are unpredictable. Today’s sane rational person can become tomorrows irrational monster– if provided enough of a engine of change. This engine can be life changes, drugs, comets, disease, riot, social ques, and any other long list of problems.

What would a blog entitled Last Stand on Zombie Island be without keeping track of this trend.

Here is what we have seen this week.

At the University of Rhode Island, doctors and health professionals are setting up a ‘clinic’ to hand out zombie vaccinations as a practice run. Of course, this helps to drive training in handling pandemics.

A company in Europe is offering two hour simulations in zombie survival. “During the zombie game, which is suitable for those aged 16 or above, groups of up to six people will be led around the Cold War bunker by a soldier clad in combat fatigues and armed with an assault rifle and a handgun. Other actors will play scientists wearing white bio-suits and gas masks or the infected, who will be covered with fake blood and bear horrific wounds. Shots will be fired and tough decisions will need to be made as the group battles for survival.” Can you say training for urban riots, TEOTEWAKI scenarios, et al.

Zombies on your ipad and iphone- a new app called ZDAY takes you through hundreds of scenarios to keep you sharp. Much like the Choose Your Own Adventure books of old, you are presented with scenario after scenario and asked to make a decision on which action you will take. Will your choice lead to survival or death at the hands of the zombies? The game engine continuously keeps track of your survival probability, based on the choices you make. Of course this sets the user in an adaptable state of mind.

A good overview of this continuing phenomena towards zombie prep can be found here at the London Free Press, “It’s impossible to reasonably prepare for these threats NASA says are unreasonable. But we can ready ourselves — gather our meat-cleavers — for any fight with the undead. You heard me. Don’t try to look away. It’s time for every man, woman and child to soldier up.From Los Angeles to London, zombie survival courses are filling up fast. In the ’50s, families worried about commies. Today, it’s reanimated corpses.

“In a time of catastrophe, some people find their humanity; others lose theirs,” explains Michigan State University professor Glenn Stutzky of his summer course, Surviving the Coming Zombie Apocalypse: Catastrophes and Human Behavior.

He’s interested in teaching behaviour through pop culture, such as Brad Pitt’s zombie movie World War Z, due out next year. If there is a next year.

Me? I’m interested in keeping my head.

Zombie Hold Ups in Philly

Christine Speer Lejeune of the Philly Post has a great article entitled “Where to Hide When Zombies Invade Philly: Where would you camp out?”

“I’ve begun seeing the city through different eyes: Homes I once coveted for their floor-to-ceiling windows don’t look so awesome anymore. Same with my own sweet little apartment—too many doors. The Free Library has too many entrances; same, alas, with Ikea, which would otherwise be perfect. But that second-floor Superfresh in No Libs? That’s genius. We could stay there for months. This is how I take in architecture now: How zombie-friendly is it? Eastern State Penitentiary has a whole new appeal as a long-term residence. Same with the Moshulu…..”

Good stuff….